Electrical engineer by training and software developer by passion
Professional Ambitions
- Use my engineering skills to solve complex problems that will benefit the society and my employer's clients
- Continuously acquire new software development knowledge in order to implement robust, maintainable, and elegant solutions
- Be part of a dynamic and motivated team that expands the limits of what's possible
| Baccalaureate in Electrical Engineering - Polytechnique Montréal
Work Experience
My various responsabilities at OPAL-RT Technologies gave me the opportunity to enrich my technical skills, but also to understand how to apply the agile method and the V-model development process.
| Software Developer - OPAL-RT Technologies
| Linux Software Developer - Schneider Electric (via Intitek)
| Scrum Master and Software Developer - OPAL-RT Technologies
| Expert in Integration, Verification & Validation - OPAL-RT Technologies
| RT-LAB Product Owner - OPAL-RT Technologies
| Driver Expert - OPAL-RT Technologies
| Driver & FPGA Intern - OPAL-RT Technologies
| Embedded Systems Intern - CS Communication & Systems Canada
Personal Projects
Travel blog powered by Hugo, a static site generator, and GitLab Pages
- Write content and configure website using Markdown, Front Matter, and TOML
- Customize an existing template (HTML, CSS, and Golang html/template)
- Optimize page loading time
- Manage the source code and the CI/CD pipeline with GitLab
Post treatment of my travel GPS coordinates and automatic online deployment
- Write Python scripts for filtering and changing the format of my GPS data
- Integrate the result on my travel blog using the JavaScript Leaflet library
- Manage the source code and the CI/CD pipeline with GitLab
Computer Science Knowledge
I have advanced knowledge with the following tools since I used them on a regular basis at work and/or for my personal projects.
- Python 2.7/3.6+ including poetry, pytest, numpy, pandas and many more
- C/C++ including Conan, CMake and gtest/gmock
- Bash scripting
- Docker
- MATLAB/Simulink
- Git, GitLab, Jenkins, Bitbucket and Bamboo
- Jira and Confluence
- Windows and Linux
For me, having a DevOps mindset is key for doing good work. I strive to have a fully reproducible development environment with explicit dependencies and well designed CI/CD pipelines. I believe in a robust test pyramid strategy and, most importantly, a collaborative team that challenges design decisions.
Social Involvement
During my studies, my active social involvement forged my leadership and teamwork skills.
: Responsible of the 2013-2014 edition of AEP's student planner (3800 printed copies)2011-2012
: AEP's vice-president for education2010-2011
: Participant in the CIPO 2011 international cooperation project in Malawi2008-2011
: Advisor on AEP's board of directors2008-2011
: Director (10-11), treasurer (09-10) and member of PolySphère, AEP's environmental committee
AEP: Association des étudiants de Polytechnique (the university's student union)
Awards abd Scholarships
: AVENIR Entraide, paix et justice award from FORCES AVENIR (group prize won by CIPO 2011)2010-2011
: Volunteer of the year award from AEP2009-2010
: Versatility award from AEP2008-2009
: Recruit of the year award from AEP2008
: Millennium Excellence Award (provincial laureate) from the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation
Interests and Leisure
Listening to Python podcasts, traveling, rock climbing, camping, hiking, bicycling, snowboarding, cross-country skiing and soccer.
- French: Mother tongue
- English: Advanced level, excellent written and spoken skills
- Spanish: Capable of carying on a conversation